Triple Teatox by Tease Tea: Digital Downloads and Printable's

Congratulations on your Triple Teatox purchase and for making the conscious decision to amplify your health and wellness goals! 

Health isn't only physical - it's largely mental, especially when it comes to striving for successful results.

Success really does start in the mind, yet most people live their lives never realizing it or harnessing it. Most people do not pro-actively condition themselves to achieve what they want on a daily basis, yet it’s been proven for years that our thoughts create our reality.
You’ll probably know the intention behind the some of the things I’m going to share, yet it’s so easy for us to all forget to put them into practice.  
My hope is to give you a reminder and to challenge you to start doing them consistently, so that you can reach your own goals, one sip at a time.

Happy Sipping,

-Sheena Brady
Founder & Tea Sommelier