Five Reasons to Drink Green Tea Daily

Happy Saint Patrick’s day! In the spirit of all things green today, we wanted to break down some of the health benefits of one of the most classic teas, GREEN tea (and matcha of course)!

Green Tea is Absolutely Packed with Antioxidants 

Drinking green tea regularly is a simple and delicious way to add powerful antioxidants to your diet! With natural ingredients found inside green tea, it provides anti-inflammatory benefits and helps to prevent cell damage. 

It Has Anti-Inflammatory Benefits for the Skin

In this study done for the antioxidants found in green tea, polyphenol chemicals contain potent antioxidants found in green tea which are known to reduce inflammation, among other benefits. It is also brilliant for reducing overall inflammation, brightening your skin and creating a natural glow. Our Clarifying Matcha Mask is packed with these amazing antioxidants, a great essential to add to your relaxing skincare routine! 

Green Tea Also Boosts Immunity 

The To the Finish Lime Yerba Maté Green Tea blend contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects present in green tea that are strong immunity supporters. Green tea also acts as a prebiotic, which promotes healthy gut bacteria, positively impacting immunity.

It is Great for Calming Your Nerves

Green Tea provides a slow and sustainable release of caffeine, rather than a caffeine high followed by a crash in energy (which always feels awful). It allows you to feel calmer and more relaxed as well with the presence of L-theanine, an amino acid. Together the caffeine and L-theanine present in green tea is proven to help optimize your brain function, improve your mood, and combat oxidative stress. Our Sencha Secrets Green Tea will keep you calm yet focused through the all-day-long virtual meetings you attend!

Fun Bonus: Green Tea can Help to Reduce Bad Breath

An extra fun fact is that its antibacterial properties can help to kill bad breath (a great tip if you are about to wear a face mask for the next few hours!). Once again our powerful polyphenols have anti-microbial and deodorant effects that can help contribute to better smelling breath! (Check out this study for more info).

Ways to Include Green Tea in Your Daily Life

There are so many amazing blends of green tea to try according to your preference! Another green tea favourite is our Organic Ceremonial Matcha, which can be consumed as a nice warm latte (check out our IGTV recipe video), added to your favourite morning smoothie, or turned into some great matcha brownies (very Saint Patrick’s Day green approved!). Any way you prefer will come with all the great benefits green tea has to offer, and your options are endless! Green tea is a great alternative to incorporate the green spirit in all of your virtual Saint Patrick’s Day festivities today!

About the Author: Malika Patel, a student at the Telfer School of Management and Marketing Intern at Tease Tea. She is a tea enthusiast and is currently enjoying her favourite ice-cold matcha oat latte.