5 Steps to Cold Brew Tea

Learn how to make delicious cold brew tea at home! Cold brewing your tea is a slower extraction process than traditional hot water steeping, resulting in a more flavourful and nutrient dense brew.
You can get creative with adding fruits or juices to your teas to create fun summer drinks and mocktails (or cocktails!) at home.
5 Steps to Cold Brew Iced Tea
Step 1: Place 2 teaspoons of loose-leaf tea, such as Berry Booster, into your Cold Brew Iced Tea Maker or a glass jar. You can place the tea in an infuser or allow the tea leaves to freely roam around and strain later.
Step 2: Pour 2 cups of room temperature or cold water into the pitcher. Feel free to add in some seasonal fruits to cold steep along with the tea.
Step 3: Cover the pitcher and place in the refrigerator. Allow your tea to steep for anywhere between a couple hours and over night.
Step 4: After cold steeping, take a sip and see if you’ve reached your ideal brew time. If you think it was steeping for too long and is now too strong, simply mix in more cold water. Once you have reached your ideal cold brew taste, enjoy!
Step 5: The easiest step of all.. pour yourself a glass, sit back and enjoy! Happy Sipping!
For recipes using your cold brew iced tea, try some of our top Iced Tea Mocktail Recipes!