A note from Sheena, our CEO: 2018 Year in Review

[Scroll to bottom to see Year in Review]
With the year coming to an end, as I've done since 2014, I spend an afternoon to sip on some tea, take a moment to pause, and reflect on the year and everything that has happened.
We launched new products, supported over a dozen organizations dedicated to women's empowerment and reached our five year milestone to name a few. None of these milestones would have been possible without the endless support of our Tease Tea community. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for helping us continue to grow and create impact.
The most exciting personal moment for me, was giving birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl. Her name is Camellia, and we are proud to share she is the youngest member of the Tease Team. Having her in my life, reminds me daily how important it is to be a part of empowering young girls for they are the future of strong women we want to see doing incredible things and creating positive impact in this world. She’s also part of the reason why I’ve decided to re-think, and re-launch our Charitea Program strategy.
Happy Sipping, Happy New Year, and all the best to you and your loved ones in 2019
As always, we’re here to empower you to reach your goals one cup at a time.
-Sheena Brady/Founder & Tea Sommelier