National Nutrition Month: Spring Clean Your Diet

Diet Tea


The snow has started to melt, the days are getting longer and we are starting to see signs of spring now that March is officially upon us. Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? What better time to kickstart a spring cleaning… on our diet.

And make place for our Triple Teatox 30 Day Reset & Cleanse.


What is National Nutrition Month


Back in 1980, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics created National Nutrition Month as “an annual nutrition education and information campaign” with a focus “on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.”

Canada released their 2019 version of their food guide, showcasing a facelift and new approach that has been previously seen. Canada’s new food guide does away with food groups and portion sizes, focusing instead on broader guidelines that include eating more plant-based protein and drinking more water. Not that you needed another excuse to drink diet tea, but now drinking diet tea plays a role in meeting your daily healthy food guide requirements.

Water can actually help beat fatigue and is a great way to encourage your body to eliminate toxins and basically ‘wake up’. Consuming lots of water and a healthy balanced diet alongside physical activity, you are all set for your spring cleaning diet. Try out Triple Teatox Kit as part of your March Nutrition Month goals.


Diet Tea


Fun Facts About Water


-60% of our bodies are composed of water; 75% in our muscles and 85% in our brains.

-Every pound of sweat you lose equates to one pint of water (16 ounces) you need to replace.

-When you are feeling hungry, drink water first. Thirst is often confused with hunger.